Who We Are

AMF Foundation, a non-profit organization in Bangladesh which is working to make Bangladesh better.

What We Do

We work for the backward sections of the society in Bangladesh through fundamental development

Make A Donation

Break the cycle of poverty by donating to education, health, awareness, empowerment and community building.

Be A Volunteer

Volunteering can be personally rewarding and helps you ‘give something back’ to your community.

A Non-Profit Organization In Bangladesh


“Abdur Rahman Master Foundation” is a non-political, private, non-profit, voluntary and charitable organization registered through the appropriate authorities of the Government of Bangladesh for the purpose of service and developmental work at the national level.

AMF FOUNDATION has Three individual depts. including Three individual teams which are governed by Dept. Head.

Dept. of Education

One of the objectives of Abdur Rahman Master Foundation is to bring education to the doorstep of the marginalized people. For this purpose, with the help of local educational institutions, to develop the locality as a hundred percent well-educated township.

Dept. of Awareness

Abdur Rahman Master Foundation is working for social and moral development with the help of people from all walks of life and is working with the aim of establishing a society based on justice by removing various types of inconsistencies, lawlessness, existing in the society. 

Dept. of Health & Blood

Abdur Rahman Master Foundation is working tirelessly to increase health awareness among the local people and to provide healthcare to the poor people. For this purpose, it has been decided to work on improving the sanitation system of the area, ensuring the supply of fresh water and improving the sewage system. The foundation undertakes to provide health care programs for the poor and marginalized communities, including rehabilitating people injured in fires and other accidents and assisting patients suffering from other life-threatening diseases. As a part of this, Abdur Rahman Master Foundation has launched free healthcare programs for the poor and marginalized communities to provide healthcare to the local population.



Donate Love, Spread Happiness

‘নিজের কস্টগুলো অন্যের সাথে ‘ভাগাভাগি” করলে কস্ট কমে”
আর ‘ভালোবাসা ভাগাভাগি করলে, ভালোবাসা” বেড়ে যায়।
এই কথাটা আমি সবসময় মনে প্রাণে বিশ্বাস করতাম, গতকাল কথাটা আরো একবার উপলব্ধি করলাম।
গতকালকের ‘ভালোবাসা” দিবস অনেকেই নিজের প্রিয়জন আর পরিবার এর সাথে ‘ভালোবাসা ভাগাভাগি” করে কাটিয়েছেন, আমরা Works For Humanity এই দিনে ‘ভালোবাসা” ভাগাভাগি করলাম ঐ ‘শিশুগুলোর” সাথে যারা পরিবারের,বাবা-মায়ের ভালোবাসা থেকে বন্চিত।

এখানকার প্রতিটি শিশু মিলেই একটি পরিবার, সবাই সবার, খাওয়ার সময় সবগুলো শিশু একসাথে খাচ্ছে,সবাই এক পোশাক পড়ে পড়ছে,খেলছে, কেও যেন পিছনে পড়ে না যায়, কেও যেন বাদ না পড়ে যায় সে দিকেও সবগুলো শিশুর সমান নজর।
সত্যিই গতকাল এই শিশুদের সাথে কাটিয়ে ‘ভালোবাসা”র আসল রুপটা দেখলাম। সত্যি ‘ভালোবাসার” উপরে পৃথিবীতে কোন সম্পর্ক হতে পারে না।

Reach And Presence


How To Help?

Be A Volunteer

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service of others.

Make A donation

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.


Share our story with your friends and family, together we can make a batter world

Be A Patner

When we alone we can do so little; But together we can do so much.

Joining Hands To Help The World’s

Some Outstanding Activities

We invite you on a journey through selected case studies of our work in support of the SDG agenda.

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